Monday, January 6, 2014

Eti sang? Ah sey.

How are you doing? I’m hanging in there, although today was a little rough. It was 88 degrees earlier (“felt like 95 degrees” according to a weather report) and I’m a bit sensitive to heat as a side effect of a medication that I take. I feel like my hair is always wet here and sweat drips off of my chin on to the tablecloths at restaurants. I’m glad I’ve had a little experience in Bikram Yoga because learning to endure the heat and humidity of the hot room has helped me to try and be patient and move slowly here. I am VERY glad that our hotel, the bus, and the NYU Accra campus classrooms have air conditioning.

Breakfast was at 7 a.m. for me – I got up early to take my Canon and shoot some photographs of the hotel along the beach. I purchased a pair of sandals at the Afia Gallery which is a small art space located in the hotel. I took some photos in there of some of the wooden sculptures. They also sell bangles, small carvings, gift boxes, statues of all sizes, masks, postcards, and jewelry. 

Following breakfast students got on the bus to receive a tour of the NYU Accra campus. Orientation took place there and we reviewed some cultural practices in Ghana. It’s offensive to make a “thumbs up” sign here, and to hail a cab you extend your elbow, stretch out your arm and make a “come hither” motion with your hand pronated. The campus has no hallways due to the weather being stable, which makes it difficult to be handicapped accessible. Students met and mingled with NYU Abu Dubai students who were also receiving Orientation today. About 30-40 students attend the NYU Accra campus during regular semesters, and there is a small library, computer lab, student lounge, and a few classrooms.

Following Orientation, students rode the bus to Headlines Hospitality, a restaurant where we were served delicious squeezed watermelon juice, rolls, fried red snapper, spinach and mushrooms, steamed rice, peanut soup, and vanilla ice cream with pineapple slices.

Across the street from Headlines Hospitality was an ATM where I withdrew some cedi for the next couple of days. I’m going to carry quite a bit of money on me but put it in different places – such as in my wallet, in the back flap of my moleskine, pockets, satchel zipped compartment, etc. I will carry mostly small bills in my wallet – since it wouldn’t look good to be negotiating a price of an object while flashing around 50 cedi bills.

Our first class at the NYU Accra campus was similar to an Occupational Therapy Activity Analysis class. We discussed ADA guidelines for wheelchair accessibility (entry ways must provide at least 32” for clearance, and ramps must be 1 foot long for each ½” of terrain level changes). We also talked about factors that someone with physical, psychological/mental and cognitive impairments might struggle with – noise, smell, air quality, traffic density, auditory qualities, floor/footing types, etc. and then practiced doing a site analysis in pairs and groups of 3. I paired up with Emily and transcribed the measurements that she took of steps leading into the library. Luckily, she remembered to pack a tape measure, but Anita also had some for loaning out.

Tomorrow we’re headed into the marketplace to do a real site analysis and also perform an interview with some of the people there. It’s supposedly very crowded, bargaining is a must, and the tape measures will be coming along. I’m hoping to buy some bolts of cloth which a seamstress can fabricate into an African dress for me before departure (!) as well as picking up cloth for my crafty neighbor Kira in Connecticut and my mom. Of course, jewelry, shoes, clothing, and art are also going to be objects of interest.

Following class, we had a break and then dinner, but I was feeling queasy. I tried to keep it together but wanted to just lay down and not move and hopefully have my stomach settle. Back at Afia hotel I crunched on some pills and then took some pepto bismol Anita gave me, but the food has officially made me sick. After a cool shower, uploading photos and relaxing I’m glad to be done for the day and hope that I get a lot of rest this evening because I will need all of my energy tomorrow.

Photos were taken with a Canon 50D and 50 mm f/1.8 lens and with my iPhone.


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